четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


�� Schoolapos;s as usual today only to find out that we have rehearsal till 4 or 5+ pm tmr=.= that eric kia lo....want us to do rehearsal......i think he wan bao fu coz last monday we all din go rehearsal with him. He always say till very like heapos;s very wei da, no class come help us summor......no1 ask u to help duh...and pls we all noe how to do and dont kip changing the lines coz we are trying to improve too its not ur bad but sometimes ba dao lo all my frens say that too...lucky he from india and dont understand chinese......so in sch we speak chinese bad of him he oso bo faham but one things for sure...........he noe how to act like a clown make ppl laugh.......HAHAHA.... =x its good lei keke...

�� Helped classmate with assignment grammatical erros.�No nid thx coz frens are suppose to help each other ya but u all dont ask kao kao coz i oso will duno, i will ask u all oso de :D all jia you exams and assignments mood are so rushing and killing us off slowly but steadily with itapos;s lethal poison................hahas...........moods start to change..............but i hope every1 will stand strong and face the problems. Be cool and relax if u feel stressed out, try to do something that u like to do and u will be able to clear the hurdle qq oso recently very very low mood, just now de matter nvm de arh, coz ur mood like that le i understand, wun mind it okay? keke >.< yy will help qq and qq will help yy oso bah?? heheheh >.<����� hope qq mood will be good again. Ren the sufferings for now coz the saying goes, suffering always come 1st and then rewards will follow. In holidays u can balik hometown like some of my classmates too. So not to worry have faith n confidence in urself always rmb to follow ur heart i gtg le owh nid to slp early got academic seminar haishh......lols.....all must jia you hor :D gtg le cya

hApPie AlwAys~
YYQQ all gambatte

edvard kiss munch, ductless, ductions versions, ductions and versions, ductions.

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